Site Consultation

We offer a free onsite consultation to discuss your project and get a feel for exactly what you want.

Concept design

This stage is where we creatively work towards producing a concept plan that brings new ideas to your vision and putting them on paper.

DA/CDC Landscape Plans

We specialise in producing quality landscape plans for council approvals and for design review panels; whilst meeting all of your needs. Contact us to find out about our fixed price plans.

detailed documentation

During this phase, we document and detail all elements on plan and elevation for construction, ready for your contractor to build from.

project management

The Lush Team have the ability to manage the construction of your project to ensure the best possible outcome.

plant supply

With over 10 years in the nursery industry, we know plants. Our experienced team can source and supply plants for your project.


Landscape Plans

Planting Design

Bespoke Design


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